Vol. 65 Quality tests.

Vol. 65 Pruebas de calidad.

Have you noticed that in the technical sheets or in our samples there is always information such as: Martindale, Resistance to pilling, Color fastness to rubbing?

Well, this information is extremely important, since it indicates how good quality a product is, its duration and whether it met all the requested requirements and strict standards to be able to market it.

There are many different tests that our fabrics go through in specialized laboratories before they go on sale.

Below we will mention some of these that our articles go through:

Martindale's test:

It is an international standard and widely accepted around the world as a reliable means of determining a fabric's ability to resist pilling and checking fabric wear.

The fabric samples are mounted flat and rubbed in a figure-of-eight motion, using a piece of fabric such as a blanket, worsted wool, or anything similar as an abrasive. The number of cycles the fabric can endure before the fabric shows an objectionable change in appearance (thread breaks, bunching, and holes) is counted. The number of cycles determines the wear or durability of the fabric.

Color fastness to wet rubbing

With the frotimemeter and a piece of fabric called a control, the wet fabric begins to be tested by rubbing it to determine the stability of the color to friction and establish how it changes in the textile after surface friction.

Color fastness to dry rubbing

In this case the same thing happens, but with a completely dry fabric. That is, it is used to determine the resistance of the color of the textiles to the effects produced by rubbing, but with the textile completely dry and to see how much it degrades with a certain amount of rubbing.

Fastness to artificial light

It is the resistance of the fabric to color change as a result of exposure to sunlight or an artificial light source. This test records the color fading of the fabric when exposed to light.

Without the help of these tests we could not guarantee the quality of a textile and the life it will have. For this reason, we always add this information in our samples, catalogs and books so that you know the necessary data and we guarantee that our fabrics are always of the best and highest quality.

In the comments below you can ask about a specific test or tell us if you liked this blog.

Author | Jimena Chavez

"This information is for reference only, to obtain precise details about the use, qualities and care of our products, it is necessary to consult directly with your seller before making a purchase or receiving recommendations."


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  • Author image
    ibeth Damian: November 25, 2022

    Hola buenas tardes, podrian darme mayor información acerca del servicio para las pruebas de calidad

    Ibeth Damian

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