Vol 15. Objective of textiles in interior design.

Today we will focus particularly on interiors and decoration, as many people consider these to provide the finishing touch to a place.
There are different criteria when choosing a textile, since you have to take into consideration the type of composition, where it will go, it will be an accessory or decoration, upholstery, what space it will be (indoor or outdoor), textures, prints, plains, etc.
It is really important to take into account the user's or your own needs to assign the type of fabric or decoration to satisfy these.
Textiles have several functions within a space, such as decoration, covering surfaces, upholstering furniture, providing innovation, elegance, trend, attention and making renovations to give new life to a certain area.
Illustration 1: Textiles in the room.
Have you wondered why when you enter a room with velvet, soft, fluffy textures and neutral colors you feel in a cozy, sophisticated and warm environment?
It is precisely due to the use of textiles and color psychology, since the unconscious begins to relate materials, textures and color with emotions or sensations of heat or cold through tones, comforting, homely, hospitable, comfortable concepts. and pleasant.
The simple act of changing some curtains, the upholstery of a piece of furniture or adding a tablecloth to the table, completely transforms and renews one place in another, as many times as you like or are necessary.
Even adding different fabrics and textures you generate a completely different style, whether it is a rustic character with the help of linen or canvas to a contemporary one with simple, clean and natural materials such as cotton.
Each object or product has a purpose, the purpose of textiles is not only to captivate people's visual attention, but rather it is the way in which they express themselves to inspire others within decoration or interior design. On the other hand, for others it is the way to interact or play freely in a place to generate balance and harmony.
So, when you're not sure where to start placing something, opt for a rug, an armchair, a cushion, a print or a table runner to give meaning and direction to a room.

Illustration 2: Mat.
If you are one of those who fear extravagance and prefer simple things, don't be afraid to use textiles and leave them for last. Whether you are a minimalist or not, it is always important to establish a color palette, stick to it, play with textures, but not exaggerate them to gain visual attention through contrasts.
It is important that before purchasing fabrics or decorations you reflect on your needs and tastes. As well as visualizing how you want to have the room decorated and what you want to achieve with each detail.
We know that it is not always easy to know how to combine colors, prints, fabrics and textures, but once achieved you will be able to notice their presence and weight in a space.
Illustration 3: Room.
Remember the mixtures in textiles are infinite and this allows you to change the look of each area frequently. So get out of that comfort zone and bet with your imagination, textures and colors, explore new styles to obtain greater possibilities.
Author | Jimena Chavez
"This information is for reference only, to obtain precise details about the use, qualities and care of our products, it is necessary to consult directly with your seller before making a purchase or receiving recommendations."